Rice Field For Sale
Point 24.5 chaoba loufamni
Price 3lakhs/point
Price negotiable oigani
Advance payment khra piraga registration loiraba matung awatpa senfam pirabasu yagani
Keishampat Lambi Oppt. Bloosom School Ghari Near Airport
Please Contact:
+91 9862284733



Research Before You Buy or Sell

Checking Seller/Buyer Profiles

Before engaging in a transaction, thoroughly check the profile of the buyer or seller. Look for verified accounts and read reviews or ratings from previous transactions.

Reading Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and ratings provide valuable insights into the reliability of a buyer or seller. Be wary of profiles with negative feedback or no reviews at all.

Understanding the Product or Service

Ensure you have a clear understanding of the product or service being offered. Ask for additional photos or details if needed to avoid any misunderstandings.


Negotiating Safely

Tips for Safe and Effective Negotiations

Be polite and professional during negotiations. Clearly communicate your terms and be willing to compromise to reach a fair agreement.

Recognizing Scams and Lowball Offers

Be wary of offers that are too good to be true or significantly lower than your asking price. Scammers often use these tactics to lure unsuspecting sellers.

Finalizing the Deal Securely

Once a deal is reached, finalize the transaction securely using https://kegekeithel.com’s recommended payment methods and procedures.


Meeting in Person for Transactions

Choosing a Safe Meeting Location

If meeting in person, choose a public location with plenty of people around. Avoid meeting at your home or in secluded areas.

Bringing a Friend or Informing Someone

Bring a friend along for added safety or inform someone of your meeting details. This adds an extra layer of security.

Inspecting Items Thoroughly

As a buyer, thoroughly inspect the item before finalizing the transaction. Ensure it matches the description provided and is in the expected condition.

Communicating with the Buyer/Seller

Maintain open communication with the buyer or seller during the return process. Address any concerns promptly and professionally.

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