1. What is Kegekeithel.com? Kegekeithel.com is a classified and directory listing website based in Manipur, India. It serves as a platform for individuals and businesses to buy, sell, and discover a wide range of products and services within Manipur.

2. How do I post an ad on Kegekeithel.com? To post an ad on Kegekeithel.com, simply click on the “Post an Ad” button and follow the instructions to create your listing. You’ll need to provide details about your product or service, along with relevant images and categories.

3. Is it free to post ads on Kegekeithel.com? Yes, posting ads on Kegekeithel.com is free for both individuals and businesses. However, there are options for paid featured ads and banner ads to increase the visibility of your listings.

4. How can I search for products or services on Kegekeithel.com? You can search for products or services on Kegekeithel.com by using the search bar at the top of the page. Additionally, you can browse through categories or filter listings by location to find what you’re looking for.

5. Can I buy and sell both new and used items on Kegekeithel.com? Yes, Kegekeithel.com allows users to buy and sell both new and used items. Our platform caters to various categories, including electronics, clothing, vehicles, real estate, and more.

6. How do I create an account on Kegekeithel.com? To create an account, click on the “Sign Up” button and follow the prompts to provide your email address, password, and other necessary information. Once registered, you can start using the features of the website.

7. What are the benefits of creating an account on Kegekeithel.com? By creating an account, you can save favorite listings, manage your orders, and communicate with other users. It also allows you to receive personalized recommendations based on your interests.

8. How do I contact a seller or buyer on Kegekeithel.com? You can contact a seller or buyer directly through our messaging system. Simply click on the “Contact Seller” button on the listing page and compose your message.

9. Is Kegekeithel.com available only in Manipur? While Kegekeithel.com primarily focuses on serving the Manipuri community, the website is accessible to users worldwide. However, most listings feature products and services from Manipur.

10. How do I report a suspicious or inappropriate listing on Kegekeithel.com? If you encounter a listing that violates our terms of use or seems suspicious, you can report it by clicking on the “Report Ad” button on the listing page. Our team will review the report and take appropriate action.